At their general meeting on 04 and 05 May 2024, the members of the ANUVAM association listened attentively to Louis’ report on this autumn’s trip and watched with interest the photos and videos brought back by the group.

The trip to the village was a rich source of observations on village life, details of how the schools, dispensary and town hall work, etc., but above all it was a rich source of encounters, as one of the participants in the trip, Marie-Christine, can testify.

Thanks to detailed emails from Yadav, the members were able to study the requests for support from the villagers of Rapcha for the coming financial year (2024-2025).

Following the discussions, the following measures were adopted:

(See the full minutes of the AGM on the members’ area)

Help for schools:

– As promised, ANUVAM will pay the salary of the Basakhali school science teacher for the third and final year. This post will subsequently be taken over by the government.

– The assistance given to the 2 small schools of Rimku and Bodu for the purchase of various supplies will be maintained.

Maintenance of the dispensary:

As the flooring in the various rooms of the dispensary is in poor condition, ANUVAM will provide the money needed to purchase the material, transport it and pay part of the labour costs.

Construction of toilets for the Chandrodaya school in Thulodhunga:

This project, already under study last year, has been the subject of reflection with Yadav and the people involved in the village with a view to improving its quality.

ANUVAM will finance this project subject to the specifications proposed by Vincent P.

Social Welfare Office survey of FEILSS accounts from 2015 to 2023:

The inspection that this department has been carrying out for 2 years is not yet complete.

Two officers from this department will be sent to the village to carry out this field survey, and the association has undertaken to cover all the costs involved.

Compensation :

As every year, our correspondents in Nepal (Yadav and Jase) will be compensated for the time they devote to maintaining the link between ANUVAM and the village.


There are no plans for a trip to Nepal in the coming year, but some members have announced their intentions for future years.

On the other hand, the visit of Dilu Rai, which did not take place this spring because his visa was refused, will be considered again as soon as possible.

You can read the report on the trip to Rapcha and the trek, autumn 2023, by following the link>

Report by louis Laurent

Gisèle Bonnet

(See the full minutes of the AGM in the members’ area)