The Annual General Meeting brought together 23 people in Brousse on 22 and 23 May 2022 in a summer atmosphere.

The report on the trip to the village in March fed into this AGM. The mission was very well prepared by Yadav and Jase, and provided answers to many of the association’s questions. The French translation provided by Dilu Raï was invaluable.

The trip gave us a good idea of how the village is evolving.

New administrative organisation in Nepal and therefore in the region: Rapcha is now managed by Ward No. 2 of the Dudhkoshi municipality.

The arrival of the ‘road’, which crosses the village and leads to a geographical recomposition with many new houses along the road, numerous shops (‘teashop’ + small grocery shop) and several lodges under construction, and a modification of daily life thanks to the arrival of various goods (example: gas bottles).

The members of the mission visited all the places in the village with which ANUVAM has links:

The dispensary, the 4 schools, the houses rebuilt after the 2015 earthquake, the Thulodhunga Farm and the Ward No. 2 town hall.

The people in charge of the village were very willing to receive Marc, Claudine and Gisèle. They answered many questions and gave many explanations, and the discussions were lively and warm.

This trip enabled us to maintain our ties of friendship with the villagers of Rapcha.

General Meeting

approved all the requests for financial assistance presented by Yadav in his last e-mail summarising the requests from the village leaders.

The provisional budget voted therefore provides for :

continued salary support for a primary school teacher at Thulodhunga: €2,100
salary for a science teacher in classes 9 and 10 at Basakhali school: €4,000
small grant for the purchase of school equipment for the 2 small schools in Bodu and Rimku: 2 x €100
aid for the dispensary to buy medicines: €500
compensation for time worked by Yadav and Jase: €1,000

There was a lively discussion about the help we could continue to give to the farm (a private enterprise with social and educational aims), but for the moment there is no request.

The life and future of the association depends on the trips we are able to make to the village and the interest this can arouse in new people. The project is on track for a trip in autumn 2023.The board:

The executive committee is virtually unchanged, with the 2 Claudines swapping treasury duties: Treasurer: Claudine Joly, assistant: Claudine Simonet.

Secretary: JC Raimbault, assistant: Elisabeth Meignan

President : Gisèle Bonnet, vice-president: Evelyne Pichenot

ANUVAM 2023 General Meeting

It will be held on 3 and 4 June 2023 at the home of Evelyne Pichenot in Auvilliers-en-Gâtinais (Loiret). Auvilliers-en-Gâtinais lies between Montargis and Orléans, 150 km south of Paris.

Full report of the Annual General Meeting in the members’ area.