The earthquakes of April and May 2015 affected the Khumbu region and caused considerable damage in Rapcha-Basa: the Yachtwai school was partially destroyed, the one in Lop was completely destroyed, and more than 300 houses needed to be rebuilt or consolidated.
Our actions to bring a first emergency aid:
- purchase and delivery of 120 tarpaulins to shelter the most affected families.
- purchase of additional drugs against the risk of infection.
- meetings with other NGOs to coordinate our actions.
And in the longer term:
- help rebuild a dozen houses according to anti-seismic standards recommended by ENSAL Lyon.
- help with the construction of chimneys in each house for the elimination of smoke from open fires on the floor, which causes respiratory and eye infections.
Distribution of tarpaulins in Basa-Rapcha (August 2015)
Meetings with representatives of villagers and NGOs to coordinate the reconstruction projects..
Exchanges with the ENSAL (National Superior School of Architecture of Lyon) to have their recommendations in terms of anti-seismic construction. A construction site following these recommendations should begin in October 2016.
The earthquake of April 2015: the destruction
The earthquake of April 2015: the temporary shelters