UTSH is a French association which, since 1985, has been providing a home, education and well-being for Nepalese children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose parents are unable to provide them with an education. The association is funded by donations and membership fees.

To implement this project, UTSH has built a house in HEMJA near POKHARA. The house can accommodate 20 girls and 20 boys.

The children are taken in at an early age (mostly between 5 and 9 years old), and generally stay there until they are 18. The programme aims to educate and socially integrate young children, both girls and boys, who are in serious difficulty. Its aim is to enable them to live decently and independently in the Nepalese context.

Life there is largely outward-looking. It is also a place to learn about citizenship. During their entire stay at La Maison, the young people attend classes at a school in the village of Hemja. At the end of their schooling, they are offered vocational training, in particular at UCEP, a Nepalese apprenticeship centre, which leads to a job.

The staff, all Nepalese, are two couples who live on site with their families. The children are responsible for day-to-day material tasks, management and entertainment. The constant presence of these two pairs of educators creates a family-like atmosphere that is both necessary and conducive to the children’s development.

Members of the association Un Toit Sous l’Himalaya make regular visits to Nepal (at their own expense). Everyone was able to visit the home, see the children and talk to the staff. These visits and the reports that the visitors make about them enable regular monitoring of the running of the home and the living conditions of the children. The Nepalese social services and our members who have visited the Home are unanimous in their praise for the work and human qualities of the local team of educators.

Pour plus d’information, consulter le site :  Un toit sous l’Himalaya >