From 26 October, a new mission for CAPA will begin in the village of Rapcha, Nepal, with the following objectives:

RECONSTRUCTION: CAPA will provide technical support to rebuild two houses using earthquake-resistant principles and local techniques.

TRAIN village technicians in earthquake-resistant techniques, as well as 4 technical leaders who will be able to pass on these techniques. To this end, a construction manual will be produced as a teaching aid for the technicians.

MAKE all residentsaware of the importance of earthquake-resistant construction. The aim is to give them the keys to understanding the importance of taking account of seismic risk in construction, and to call on the services of trained technicians.

Two CAPA technicians will be involved in this phase. One for a month to supervise the reconstruction work and the other to carry out an observation mission with a view to setting up future sites and workshops.

The overall aim of the project is to build the resilience of the local population: to make them self-sufficient in terms of construction techniques and materials management, so as to prevent the risks associated with a potential future earthquake. To this end, CAPA is relying on local materials, techniques and architecture.

नजिकको भविष्यमा (Najikakō bhaviṣyamā)

which in Nepali means See you soon

Jean-Claude Raimbault