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Earthquake Resistant House Project 2018-2019

Earthquake Resistant House Project 2018-2019

This was the fourth year of ANUVAM’s Earthquake Resistant House Construction Project. So far six families have already benefitted from this project and for this year; the year of 2018-2019, three more families were going to get benefitted from it.

Lire le rapport >

By |February 11th, 2019|

Clermond-Ferrand travel journal meetings

Our participation in the Clermont-Ferrand meetings, November 2018
By |January 7th, 2019|

Info: A call for SDGs-based provincial planning

A call for SDGs-based provincial planning

The National Planning Commission in partnership with UNDP is looking to boost localization and internalization of the SDGs in provincial-level development planning through a series of workshops for provincial government officials

Information on site UNDP Nepal

By |December 17th, 2018|

Travel Journal RV, Clermont-Ferrand – 2018

3 full days of visits, meetings and discussions.

22,000 visitors flocked to the show, and fortunately not all of them stopped by our stand!

But during these 3 days, 5 of us, 7 even, were busy full time presenting ANUVAM and its achievements and selling photos and Nepalese handicrafts.

Given the international nature of this Rendez-Vous, we had taken the necessary steps to set up a beautiful stand. It was an opportunity to present the association to a wide audience of frequent travellers, and to raise money for our reconstruction project.

By |November 22nd, 2018|

Latest news – November 2018

ANUVAM stand at the “Carnets de voyage” exhibition from 16 to 18 November 2018

The team of members from Auvergne is actively preparing to organise an ANUVAM stand at the renowned Clermont Ferrand exhibition to be held from 16 to 18 November at the POLYDOMES.
Our aim is to raise the profile of the association, promote earthquake-resistant construction and obtain financial support for our participation in this exhibition, which is attended by a large travelling public.

High-quality photographs by Jean Claude Raimbault will be sold in aid of the ANUVAM association.

  • Work starts on three earthquake-resistant houses winter 2018/2019

  • Closed fireplace with chimney

  • Invitation to the fiftieth anniversary of Basa Khali secondary school in January 2019


By |November 3rd, 2018|

Information for ANUVAM members – sept 2018

In the village of Basa-Rapcha, the ANUVAM association is continuing its solidarity and reconstruction work, which is a huge undertaking given the scale of the damage in Nepal.

A good turnout at the AGM and the association’s healthy financial situation mean that we can embark on new projects. The association passed a decisive milestone in March 2018 with the financing of a sixth house for a very destitute village family rebuilt using the earthquake-resistant process with local materials developed by our technical partner CAPA.

The construction of six earthquake-resistant houses in 2017/18 reinforces our credibility in the community and with the recently elected local officials. The new mayor, Asherman Magar, who is well known to our association, has been able to communicate the priorities of the village community with a view to consolidating development and reducing the serious internal inequalities.

By |October 24th, 2018|

RV Carnet de voyage in Clermont-Ferrand – nov 2018

ANUVAM invites you to visit its stand at the Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage in Clermont-Ferrand on 16, 17 and 18 November.

We will be presenting our association and the village of Rapcha. This will be an exceptional opportunity to sell photos of Nepal (presented at photographic art fairs) and Nepalese handicrafts. The money raised will be used to fund ongoing projects in Rapcha (reconstruction after the 2015 earthquakes, water supply works, etc.).
The Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage is an artistic and literary event focusing on travel books and travel writing. This year marks the 19th edition of this nationwide festival.

By |August 3rd, 2018|

Concert in Saint-Genès Champanelle – June 2018

Since the 2015 earthquakes, Espoir et Solidarité has been supporting ANUVAM in its reconstruction projects.

On Saturday 23 June, it organised a baroque concert given by the Chœur des Puys in the church of Saint-Genès-Champanelle, in aid of two associations including ANUVAM.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Claudine Darrigrand, President of the Chœur des Puys, as well as Catherine de Marnhac, the choirmaster, and all the choristers.

Article published in “La Montagne” newspaper >

By |July 5th, 2018|

Presentation ANUVAM 2018

2018 presentation of the solidarity association
“In Nepal, a village, a friendship on the move”.

For more than 20 years, the association “Au Népal, Un Village, une Amitié en Marche (ANUVAM)”, set up by a group of hikers, has built up a relationship of friendship and solidarity with a community in a mid-mountain village in the Solu Khumbu, south of Everest.This Rapcha Basa village, inhabited mainly by the Khaling Rai ethnic group and almost 20% by Magar, lies along the deep Dudh Khosi river and practises staggered self-subsistence farming. Small farmers, they occasionally hire out their strength as porters to supply other villages or lead treks.
The village has only been accessible by jeep since the end of 2017.

Evelyne Pichenot

Open presentation >

By |June 26th, 2018|

New humanitarian initiatives following the AGM – May 2018

In the village of Rapcha, the association ANUVAM continues to show its solidarity and support for reconstruction, with perseverance and efficiency.

Excellent turnout at the General Meeting, a healthy financial position enabling us to commit to new projects, and a positive 2017/2018 business report all reflect the energy that drives our association. We reached a major milestone in March 2018, providing funding for a sixth house for a disadvantaged family in the village, rebuilt using earthquake-resistant, local materials developed by our technical partner CAPA.

This excellent outcome bolsters our credibility within the community and amongst recently-elected local leaders. The GM reviewed the requests for assistance submitted by the new mayor Asherman Magar, well known to the association, who informed us of the community’s priorities, in order to consolidate development and reduce serious internal inequalities.

By |June 20th, 2018|

Rapcha report – may 2018

Earthquake resistant (anti-seismic) house project

The two mega earthquakes in April and May of 2015 have shaken the whole of Nepal and made colossal damages throughout the country. Reconstruction began after the strong aftershock on May and ANUVAM decided to help in the process.
To begin with six families were chosen from Rapchha who were/are in dire situation either financially or from family situation perspective. The houses of the chosen families were damaged severely during the earthquake and most of them were unable to build a new house on their own due to their very week financial status. Some of them were single parents and many of them had more than four dependent children.

By |June 6th, 2018|

AGM and Nepal forum in Hauteluce (Savoie) – May 2018

On 26 and 27 May 2018, the General Meeting of our association was held in Hauteluce (Savoie): two very busy half-days to take stock of the actions carried out in the past year and to prepare those for the year to come.
CAPA (Construire et Agir Par l’Architecture), our partner in the reconstruction from the outset, was represented by Vincent Peña (site manager for the reconstruction of 6 earthquake-resistant houses in the village of Rapcha) and Julie Klein (architect).
By |June 2nd, 2018|

Nepal Forum in Hauteluce – May 2018

Article dated 30 May 2018 Le Dauphiné Libéré

… Led by its president Évelyne Pichenot, the association held its general meeting at the Infernet leisure centre this weekend, which was also an opportunity to invite other humanitarian associations to come and present their various initiatives to the public…

Read the minutes >

By |May 31st, 2018|

Rapcha Trip Report – april 2018

Rapchha Trip Report
Trip taken between March 9 – 21, 2018

This particular trip was taken by current ANUVAM Chair Evelyne PICHENOT and Member Monique BOUTRAND accompanied by FEILSS Chair Pancha Kumar RAI and Secretary Yadav Kumar RAI. FEILSS treasurer Jase Rai was partially present during this trip.
During the stay in Rapchha, many meetings have been attended and below is the summery of the important meetings.

By |May 31st, 2018|

First home photo book

A souvenir book of photos illustrating the construction of the first house (Shokal’s house) was produced by ANUVAM from Yadav’s photos and given to the mayor of Rapcha, Asherman Magar, as well as to the leaders of the mason and carpenter craftsmen.

Asherman is the mayor of sector 2 (Rapcha) of the new 7-sector Dudh Khosi Rural Municipality, elected for a 5-year term.

By |May 27th, 2018|
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