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Reconstruction in Nepal, here we go!

wo bricklayers from the village of Rapcha are currently being trained on the pilot site in the village of MachhaKhola (run by the MOINA association).
The training programme began at the end of March under the guidance of a site manager from Lyon, who is a member of the association. It follows the recommendations for reconstruction using earthquake-resistant techniques drawn up by fifth-year students at ENSAL (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon).
They have been working on this project since October 2015 in close collaboration with ANUVAM and MOINA.
By |March 5th, 2018|

Rebuilding of a house in Rapcha- March 2017

Shokal’s house

Shokal’s house has finally been nearly achieved, as witnessed by the photos taken early march 2017 . It is somewhat bigger as planned, but it was intended as a work training programme and it will be later possible to build smaller structures.
After two and a half months spent in Nepal, Vincent, the young mason, expert on  rehabilitation who supervised the reconstruction of the house for our association, can really be proud of the work done.

Among the selected families for the first phase of works, we chose Shokal because he was a widower with two young children and he had   generously offered land for the construction of the health clinic.

By |March 1st, 2018|

In Memoriam

The death of Jacqueline Béchet on 4 January 2018, a long-standing member of our association, was deeply saddening for her many friends in France and Nepal.

Some of them were able to attend the funeral in Chalons sur Saône, while others sent moving testimonies of their attachment to Nepal, of their tenacity in the effort of her welcome to those closest to her and those who were most different.
The association sends its heartfelt condolences to all her family, and in particular to our friend Marc Béchet.

Involving Jacqueline in the continued development of Rapcha will remain a shared task based on friendship with the Nepalese people, to perpetuate her memory in the service of the Nepal she loved so much.
By |January 23rd, 2018|

Visit to Rapcha – November 2017

Bernard and Claudine Simonet, and Jean-Claude Raimbault stayed in Rapcha from 6 to 12 November 2017. They were accompanied by Vincent Peña to visit the various work sites in the village.

The reconstruction of the third planned house, that of Doma Laxmi Rai and her children, was completed during their stay after just 15 days of work. The team of craftsmen has fully assimilated the principles of earthquake-resistant construction, and the quality improves with each new house.

Vincent will return just before Christmas after supervising the reconstruction of two other houses (Man Bir and Deepa Rai’s and Maïti Rai’s).

By |December 11th, 2017|

CAPA: a new mission in October 2017

From 26 October, a new mission for CAPA will begin in the village of Rapcha, Nepal, with the following objectives:

RECONSTRUCTION: CAPA will provide technical support to rebuild two houses using earthquake-resistant principles and local techniques.

TRAIN village technicians in earthquake-resistant techniques, as well as 4 technical leaders who will be able to pass on these techniques. To this end, a construction manual will be produced as a teaching aid for the technicians.

MAKE all residentsaware of the importance of earthquake-resistant construction. The aim is to give them the keys to understanding the importance of taking account of seismic risk in construction, and to call on the services of trained technicians.

By |November 6th, 2017|

Espoir et Solidarité provides aid to Nepal

On Saturday 13 May 2017 the Espoir et Solidarité association organised a concert in Saint Genès Champanelle (Puy-de-Dôme) in aid of two associations including ANUVAM.

In the first part, we presented a slide show on the reconstruction of the house in Shokal.
And on Thursday 28 September, we were invited to the town hall in Saint Genès Champanelle to receive a cheque from Claudine Darrigrand, President of Espoir et Solidarité, accompanied by a delegation from the association.

By |October 11th, 2017|

The house of Jange MAGAR – June 2017

Reconstruction continues in Rapcha.
At the beginning of 2017, Vincent Peña orchestrated the reconstruction of Shokal’s house, while training the masons and carpenters in earthquake-resistant techniques.

Then, in April-May, the craftsmen trained by Vincent applied on their own what they had learned alongside him. They built Jange MAGAR’s house. A team of around ten workers took part in the reconstruction over a 4-week period. As Jange’s family is one of the poorest in the village, the workers offered 24 days of voluntary work.

Vincent Peña will be back in Rapcha to rebuild 3 or 4 more houses from 22 October to 22 December (Doma Rai, Manbir Rai, Maiti Rai and possibly Jhanak Nepali).

By |September 20th, 2017|

Elections in Nepal (2017)

First local elections in 20 years in Nepal
key stage in the country’s political stabilisation, results in Rapcha

After the promulgation of a new Constitution in Nepal in September 2015, local elections were finally held, after 20 years of turmoil, in May and June 2017, in all the country’s local authorities with three forces in attendance, the Congress party, the Marxist-Leninists and the Maoists.
According to our local Nepalese correspondents, voters in the new Rapcha/Basa municipality have nominated Tej Bahadur Magar, well known to our association as Asarman and head of the local association “Motherland Improvement Club” or MIC, as the representative of the section or Ward 2 located in Rapcha.

The elected mayor of the district would be Buddihikiran Rai from the village of Khastap. Both are members of the CPN-UML, a Marxist-Leninist party that has reportedly won local elections in many provinces.

By |July 21st, 2017|

ANUVAM General Meeting – 2017

Our association’s AGM was held in Brousse (63) on 13 and 14 May 2017.

Helping to rebuild the houses in Rapcha was one of the main topics of this meeting.

By |June 15th, 2017|

Concert in Saint-Genès Champanelle – May 2017

The Association Espoir et Solidarité

from Saint-Genès Champanelle (63) organised a concert on Saturday 13 May, with two choirs taking part, in aid of two associations including ANUVAM.

Saint-Genès Champanelle choir
By |May 24th, 2017|

Annual General Meeting – 2017 – meetings

On Sunday afternoon, Vincent PENA, head of the project to rebuild the first house in Rapcha, and Julie KLEIN from the CAPA association (Comprendre Agir Par l’Architecture) described their experience in designing and building an earthquake-resistant house.

A presentation of the association in the form of panels and a commented slide show, as well as an exhibition of photos of Nepal, were on show to the public.

Read the article in LA MONTAGNE >

By |May 24th, 2017|

Rebuilding a house in Rapcha – March 2017

Shokal’s house

Finally! The Shokal house is almost finished, as you can see from the photos taken at the beginning of March 2017. It’s a little bigger than expected, but this was a training site and it will be possible to adapt it to more modest structures.

After two and a half months in Nepal, Vincent, the young mason and rehabilitation expert who is overseeing the reconstruction for us, can be proud of his work.

Among the families selected for the first phase of work, we chose to start with the house of Shokal, a widower with two young children, because he had generously donated land for the construction of the dispensary.

By |April 11th, 2017|

India – Nepal evening

Kashmir – India – Nepal Evening


organised by Les Maisons Pour Tous ALBERTINE SARRAZIN and GEORGE SAND

The ANUVAM association was invited to the evening to present its reconstruction work in Rapcha-Basa.

By |April 11th, 2017|

The reconstruction begins

The preparatory trip by Marc, Jean Claude and Vincent in October/November 2016 was fruitful and enabled the organisation of the two building-school projects that will begin this month under the responsibility of Vincent Pena and the village site managers.

The two families whose needs were deemed most urgent were chosen with the help of the village leaders; the plots were measured, the plans were proposed to these families, the quantity of recoverable materials was evaluated, the others were ordered and their transport from Salleri was organised. In addition, basic building materials, portable electrical equipment (sawing table, plane) and a generator were selected and ordered from Kathmandu and Salleri. Yadav and Jase were responsible for purchasing them and transporting them by tractor.
We have budgeted for support for a further 4 houses in 2017: these will be rebuilt to earthquake-resistant standards under the supervision of local craftsmen trained on our site in January. They will be provided with templates and materials that will be left in their hands. Assistance has been programmed for a further 9 houses next year.

We have confirmation from Yadav that everything is ready, and Vincent Pena is leaving on 14 January.

The other actions are continuing, in particular aid for the construction of smoke evacuation chimneys has been given to 11 families. We are continuing to fund this undeniable health improvement, to the tune of €60 per chimney.

Other projects, one of which was the discovery of the October trip, may fall to us:

  • the consolidation of the Tholodunga school, built by the English association Classroom in the Clouds; it suffered a landslide during the last monsoon, caused by cracks induced by the earthquake and also construction on an inadequately stabilised embankment. Due to the withdrawal of the English Association, a request has been made to us. This brand new school cannot be left in such a sad state. An expert opinion (which we wanted) is in favour of supporting it with gabions at a cost of 7,000 Euros. The ANUVAM Board will discuss the matter.
  • The Bodu school will also have to be rebuilt once the water supply problem has been resolved; an estimate is being drawn up for one or two classrooms…
    the first floor of “our” building at Basakhali Secondary School will also have to be demolished, in accordance with the recommendations of the expert report we commissioned.
  • part of the village of Lop, threatened by landslides, will have to be moved to a higher area: this concerns 18 houses and some of these families will no doubt need financial assistance.
    For the time being, we are concentrating on the partially destroyed individual houses in which families, lacking the means to rebuild, have spent a second winter (with snow, which is exceptional in Rapcha) in extremely precarious conditions. Nevertheless, rebuilding the schools is no less essential in the medium term…

Obviously, the scale of the task means that it will require considerable financial resources and therefore time; our actions may seem like a drop in the ocean, but, like the hummingbird dear to Pierre Rabhi, we are doing our bit…

Fortunately, the events we organised at the end of the year – concerts, Christmas markets, exhibitions and sales – once again confirmed your tremendous generosity in a general context of withdrawal and hardship for many people. You can be sure that our Nepalese friends are very sensitive to your gestures, which we regularly inform them of; not forgetting them is in itself a great comfort to them.

Thank you to all our donors, organisations and friendly associations who support us both humanely and financially.

Bernard Simonet on 02 01 2017

By |January 8th, 2017|

Concert in Givry, 27 November 2016

Burgundy Region , 27 November 2016

An evening of support for our friends from Rapcha – Basa will be held in GIVRY.

Read the article in the Journal de Saône et Loire >

By |December 21st, 2016|
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