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Himalaya, reflections of a journey

In the cultural exhibition space at the CFDT headquarters on Avenue Simon Bolivar, a hiker is exhibiting 90 large photographs taken during various winter treks in the Himalayas, particularly in Nepal.
At the opening, Philippe Mussot presented his sublime mountain photos alongside the smiling faces of mountain dwellers, to show that not everything is as bright as the snow in the harsh daily lives of farming families.

By |February 8th, 2016|

Exhibition by Philippe Mussot (February 2016)

Philippe Mussot’s photo exhibition on the Himalayas from 4 February to 5 April.

CFDT building
Avenue Simon Bolivar, Paris 19ème

Opening on 4 February at 1.30 pm

With the participation of ANUVAM

See the poster >

By |January 13th, 2016|

Stories from the people of Rapcha

During our last trip in November 2015, six months after the disaster, we were able to ask seven of Rapcha’s friends about their experiences during the earthquakes.

Read the stories of the local people by clicking on their names.

Marc Béchet

By |January 9th, 2016|

Exhibition at Saint Cloud (February 2016)

13 February from 4pm to 7pm: film screenings followed by debates in Saint Cloud

The programme >

By |January 8th, 2016|

In November 2015, a meeting between the associations


A team of four people travelled to Rapcha to discuss reconstruction aid with the two associations and the people of Rapcha.

They were given a warm welcome.


By |January 5th, 2016|

The situation at the end of December 2015

Around a hundred families will be spending the winter in makeshift shelters (tarpaulins, woven bamboo, tomato greenhouses). Although Nepal’s latitude corresponds to that of southern Morocco, the village lies between 1,500 and 2,500 metres above sea level and the nights are very cold; it hardly ever snows. Life has returned to normal, the crops have been harvested and there seems to be no shortage of food. However, there has been a resurgence of infectious diseases due to the poor housing conditions, and we have increased our contribution to the purchase of medicines.
By |December 21st, 2015|

Event: Givry

On 22 November, in Givry , the lively rhythms of Ice Cream in solidarity with Nepal

poster/programme …
minutes …

By |December 10th, 2015|

Event: Gimeaux

14 November,

film screenings followed by debates in Gimeaux (63).

The programme …

By |October 10th, 2015|

The situation in September 2015

A few more aftershocks, not as strong, but still bringing back the trauma of April-May; life has resumed its normal course: harvesting, working in the fields, looking after the livestock, often school under tarpaulins…
How far have we got with the Association?
Thanks to the tremendous generosity of our donors, we will be able to devote almost €40,000 over the next 3 years to continuing our work and rebuilding. First of all, public buildings, then homes, including our project for chimneys that can evacuate smoke outside, gradually replacing floor-standing fireplaces with no flue, which are a source of respiratory and eye pathologies.
By |September 25th, 2015|

The situation in August 2015

In August, the tarpaulins are distributed to the villagers:

Good quality tarpaulins have been transported to Rapcha and distributed to the villagers. All the families are now protected from the monsoon.

By |August 20th, 2015|

The situation at the end of July 2015

Life returns to normal in Basa.

We were able to buy 120 good quality tarpaulins and have them transported, despite the difficulties caused by the poor state of the tracks and paths, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that all the families are sheltered from the monsoon.

The latest e-mail from Yadav (30 July) tells us that the dispensary is running smoothly and that we have purchased additional medicines with the money we had set aside.

It also seems that the damage to the terraces has been kept to a minimum (but we’ll have to wait for the monsoon to end) and the harvest is getting ready. They don’t seem to be worried about food.

By |July 30th, 2015|

The current situation in Basa on 12 June

It is particularly difficult, after an aftershock of magnitude 7 (but with a closer epicentre) on 12 May and others (the last on 11 June). Although the damage was moderate during the first tremor, many houses weakened by it could not withstand the second major aftershock and almost all the houses are uninhabitable;

Schools were badly damaged, with the one in the hamlet of Lop razed to the ground and the school being run under tarpaulins;

the roof of the dispensary was pierced by a large stone;

the bridge is intact, but its foundations are threatened by the collapse of the natural dam of Lake Imja at the foot of Island Peak.

By |June 12th, 2015|

The situation in Rapcha after the earthquake

Rapcha disaster report, May 2015: read >

Rapcha disaster report, April 2015: read >

Rapcha after the earthquake

(photos by our friends in Rapcha)


By |May 25th, 2015|

In 2013

Presentation of the PRIX SERVIR by the Rotary Club.
Construction of the dispensary is under way… See Health >
Presentation of a cheque to the association as a retirement gift from Elisabeth Meignan.
By |December 31st, 2013|
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