On Saturday 13 May 2017 the Espoir et Solidarité association organised a concert in Saint Genès Champanelle (Puy-de-Dôme) in aid of two associations including ANUVAM.

In the first part, we presented a slide show on the reconstruction of the house in Shokal.
And on Thursday 28 September, we were invited to the town hall in Saint Genès Champanelle to receive a cheque from Claudine Darrigrand, President of Espoir et Solidarité, accompanied by a delegation from the association.

During this friendly meeting chaired by Roger Gardes, mayor of the commune, we were able to present the work in progress in the village of Rapcha and in particular to show some photos of the reconstruction of the house in Jange.
Our warmest thanks go to Espoir et Solidarité, which for the fourth time is generously contributing to our reconstruction projects, and to the commune of Saint Genès Champanelle, which is lending its premises.

Jean Claude Raimbault