At the La Croix Blanche mutualist centre from 4 to 30 November 2019.

Opening on Friday 8 November from 6.30 pm.

I’ve been walking in Nepal for 40 years. As an amateur photographer, I’ve been taking part in photographic art fairs for several years now. Through this exhibition, I’d like to share some of the most intense experiences I’ve had in meeting the landscapes and people of this country.

I’m one of the founding members of the ANUVAM association: “Au Népal, Un Village, une Amitié en Marche”, which for 25 years has been contributing to the development of the village of Rapcha, in the Everest region, in the fields of education, health and culture.

Since the major earthquakes in spring 2015, which destroyed half the houses in the village, this association has been helping to rebuild houses using earthquake-resistant techniques and local materials, at the request of local residents.

I exhibited in November 2018 at the Rendez-Vous du Carnet de Voyage in Clermont-Ferrand, as well as at the Vol du Bourdon in Thiers and Montpellier. The photographs shown have won awards at international photographic art fairs, in particular at the Xth Salon Daguerre in Paris (2017) and at the first fair organised in Nepal (2018) by FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique).

All profits from sales are donated to ANUVAM for the reconstruction of destroyed houses.

Jean-Claude Raimbault