The Basa Khali Secondary School Alumni Association also played an active part in this Golden Jubilee event, which involved all the families in all the hamlets.

The leaders of the association had the opportunity to express their gratitude to ANUVAM last year in Kathmandu and were proud to proclaim that more than 800 young people from Basa-Rapcha over the last 20 years had obtained their secondary school leaving certificate in the village.
The ANUVAM association, which had been officially invited to attend this jubilee but was unable to make it due to dates and availability, was particularly keen to thank Jase Rai, chairman of the secondary school committee, and to mark its participation by distributing scholarships.

To mark our commitment to this golden jubilee event celebrated in January 2019, which brought together thousands of adults and young people as well as the teaching staff of the Basa Khali school around the local authorities, ANUVAM offered six scholarships of 100 euros each to three girls and three boys from the village who wish to continue their studies beyond the final secondary school examination obtained at Basa Khali.
Under the responsibility of Jase Raï, chairman of the school committee, and in agreement with headmaster Kumarraj Shrestha, the teachers selected the six winners and solemnly presented the Golden Jubilee scholarships to:

1 Bhabindra BK from the hamlet of Bodu
2 Dev Kumari Bhujel from the hamlet of Damku
3 Dev Magar from the hamlet of Galame
4 Devikala Rai from the hamlet of Keth
5 Milan Rai from the hamlet of Helku
6 Sabina Rai from the hamlet of Bodu

The association wishes them every success in their studies.