Best wishes to ANUVAM members and the village of Basa-Rapcha

As every year, the traditional exchange of good wishes is an opportunity to reaffirm our affection and solidarity with the inhabitants of the village of Basa-Rapcha. Yadav, Pancha and Jase warmly send their good wishes to all the members of the association, both to those who have had the opportunity to spend time there and to the friends they don’t know, but who have been providing their support for 25 years.

This year, we also received good wishes from the group of young builders who had contributed their expertise to the first houses. Julie and Vincent have informed us that together they have set up a construction company focused on building in developing countries. We wish them a warm welcome and longevity in this field.

With the same enthusiasm, the officers of the Board wish all our members a Happy New Year and share with you their concern to make this planet fairer and more sustainable. We must make our contribution here and in Nepal.
We hope to see as many of you as possible with lots of ideas at the ANUVAM Annual General Meeting on the weekend of 15, 16 and 17 May 2020.

Earthquake-proof houses

In autumn 2019, our Nepalese correspondents and friends Yadav and Jase informed us that work was in progress on three new earthquake-resistant houses in the village of Basa-Rapcha. The families concerned, who have priority for decent housing, are Ashok’s family, Antabir’s family and Nau Maya’s family, who began preparing the site and helping to transport the stones and wood after the harvest.
At the beginning of September 2019, the treasurer of the Anuvam association contacted Jase and transferred funds for the three houses mentioned above.
In December 2019, Yadav, Jase and Pancha went to the village to organise the start of work on the first house, Ashok’s, but the start of work was delayed by a few days due to bad weather, heavy rain and severe cold. They will then build the next two, with completion scheduled for mid-February 2020. The same team of experienced professionals has been recruited, thirteen in all, including 5 carpenters, 6 masons and a cook. In addition to supervising Pancha or Yadav, they have experience and knowledge of previous earthquake-resistant construction techniques.
In February 2020, we will receive further information on the progress of the work and the state of the finances. The office has informed the CoC’s employees’ association of the progress of the work, in order to report to this co-financing body on the progress of the first phase of the work. The other phase of three houses is scheduled for autumn 2020/winter 2021.


Stay and trek March/April 2020

A trip is planned for next spring, led by Jean Claude Raimbault.
The group will include some of Nepal’s regulars as well as new travellers, both young and old, who are also coming to discover this country. The trip includes a ten-day mid-altitude loop trek starting from Rapcha and a stay in the village. They will bring back photos and information about the new houses and the families benefiting from decent, safe housing.
It will also be an opportunity to celebrate with our Nepalese friends the 25th anniversary of the association’s activities in the village.
The association is in contact with a travel organisation via Marc Lubin to offer these local treks in the Solu Khumbu region to a wider public of trekkers.

Study on agricultural development

In order to refine their fieldwork, the association and the group of travellers will be able to refer to a study by an Agro Paristech researcher on agricultural issues in an area very close to Basa Rapcha in Jubing, with fairly similar topographical and climatic conditions. Thierry Duplan’s study is entitled ” Agro-economic diagnosis of a small mid-mountain region in Nepal, published by the CNRS in 2011 “.

Preparations for the 2020 AGM

In March 2020, the Bureau will meet in Givry to determine the objectives of the visit with Jean Claude Raimbault, Marc Béchet and members of our association who will be travelling to Nepal this spring, with a view to gathering as much information as possible before the AGM. They will also have the opportunity to meet our correspondents and the local authorities to find out about their needs and prospects for development.
At the beginning of January, our Feilss correspondents presented us with two costed projects aimed at improving the local agri-food situation by building a collective chicken coop and a water mill to facilitate the processing of traditional cereals into flour rather than buying rice. These two projects have long been of concern to us as a means of preventing the rural exodus and boosting the local economy.
request additional information to facilitate the decision.

Information about the village on the website of a German association , Rehelp

The German association Rehelp had already financed the construction of a kindergarten. A teacher and her assistant look after around thirty young children. The association is planning to build a boarding school for girls going to secondary school.
The head of Rehelp organised a meeting with women from the village to discuss women’s issues. The association plans to organise a health visit to the dispensary in October 2020, with medical staff including a doctor, dentist and nurse.

Photo exhibition in Thiers in November 2019 and fundraising for 2020

An initial photo exhibition and sale by JC Raimbault on Nepal took place in November 2018 at the Carnets de voyage event in Clermont Ferrand, in aid of the ANUVAM association. Another exhibition was held in Montpellier in August and a third took place in Thiers throughout November 2019. The members from the Auvergne organised a vernissage for this exhibition-sale, which was an opportunity to meet people who love Nepal and who work with other associations.
In order to continue adding to the association’s resources, all members are invited to submit
to add to this list of current initiatives.
– Other photo exhibition and sale projects in 2020
– A flea market in Meudon in September
– Order photos for the fête du pied de St Cloud in March
It is possible to place an order from a list of available photos, which will be sent out.

The President, Evelyne Pichenot