In the spring of 2019, our association ANUVAM was able to take a calm decision at its General Meeting in Théoule to continue its earthquake-resistant construction work in Basa Rapcha, thanks in particular to the support of its usual partners, reinforced by a substantial contribution of 15,000 euros from the association of employees of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC Développement solidaire ) to build 6 new earthquake-resistant houses for families living in precarious conditions.
The funding application submitted to this organisation was selected according to their criteria to benefit from partial funding and was valued as a contribution to the local economy.
The CDC selection committee recognised the seriousness of our association’s approach, as well as its contribution to the training of local technicians in earthquake-resistant site management.
ANUVAM and the local community of Basa-Rapcha would like to thank CDC Développement Solidaire for their support for sustainable social housing. The 17 projects selected are available on their website, including 6 that have been singled out for their support for the local economy, including the Basa Rapcha project (employment and training in earthquake-resistant construction and attention to the sustainable quality of our project in Nepal).
In autumn 2019, after the monsoon season, the workers will start work on the first phase of 3 houses for families designated by the local community on the basis of social criteria.

ANUVAM strongly recommends that the Feilss, the local partner in charge of the project, ensure that the wood is dried in the best possible conditions. According to the agreed timetable, the families will have decent accommodation by the start of winter. To take account of the availability of timber and technicians, masons and carpenters, the other three houses are scheduled for the end of 2020, still after the monsoon season.

In anticipation of other possible projects in the future, ANUVAM has decided at this General Meeting in 2019 to provide the village with the financial means to purchase the wood needed for 10 houses in order toanticipate the purchase and storage of wood and thus facilitate drying for other possible constructions (i.e. 4 other houses in addition to this project of 6 houses for 2019/20). However, if we are to continue, we will need to look for other sources of funding and solicit donations.

In addition, the AGM approved the funding needed to continue our recurring activities (financing medicines for the dispensary and supporting the salary of a science teacher at Basa-Rapcha secondary school).

To consolidate this forward-looking dynamic, a study trip to the village is scheduled for April 2020, organised by members of the association who will both visit the nine families already housed decently by our previous actions and, with the help of our correspondents Yadav, Jase and Pancha, investigate the social and economic developments in the village.

Finally, in the future, the ANUVAM Assembly would like to work with its partner to explore other avenues for the development of the village in terms of collective needs such as water, electricity and sanitation, as well as cultural projects that will help to bind the community together.
And to deepen our exchanges on local life, traditions, rites and empirical knowledge of the different ethnic groups in the community, a committee will propose to coordinate a working group to collect and classify photos and videos gathered over the last twenty years by various members.

Your contributions to the collection of memories about the village are welcome, so that we can offer all these testimonies to the village.