ANUVAM stand at the “Carnets de voyage” exhibition from 16 to 18 November 2018

The team of members from Auvergne is actively preparing to organise an ANUVAM stand at the renowned Clermont Ferrand exhibition to be held from 16 to 18 November at the POLYDOMES.
Our aim is to raise the profile of the association, promote earthquake-resistant construction and obtain financial support for our participation in this exhibition, which is attended by a large travelling public.

High-quality photographs by Jean Claude Raimbault will be sold in aid of the ANUVAM association.

  • Work starts on three earthquake-resistant houses winter 2018/2019

  • Closed fireplace with chimney

  • Invitation to the fiftieth anniversary of Basa Khali secondary school in January 2019


Start of work on three earthquake-resistant houses winter 2018/2019

In October, during a week-long visit to Rapcha, Yadav began organising work on three new earthquake-proof houses for priority families chosen by the community in agreement with the mayor.
Construction work, lasting around two weeks for each house, will begin in mid-November and run until mid-January, the ideal winter period for building work and for recruiting the available workforce in the absence of intense agricultural activity.

Yadav will be in charge of project management for the new buildings. He has put together a stable team of twelve workers, supervised by masons and carpenters already trained in earthquake-resistant construction techniques, and recruited a cook to provide meals for the workers. This building work supplements the income of the village’s farmers and
the experience acquired by the building technicians in earthquake-resistant construction is thus put to good use.
In preparation for the work, two of the three families have collected a large proportion of the wood and stone materials required and the foundations are being laid. The third family will have enough time to do this before January, given the staggered nature of the building work. Yadav and Jase are confident in the organisation of this new phase and will be sending news this winter.


Closed fireplace with chimney

Des informations récentes montrent que la cuisine avec foyer fermé se répand au Népal comme le montre aussi une photo récente envoyée par Yadav. Dans un souci d’efficacité pour la santé et d’économie de bois, il semble utile de mieux s’approprier les différentes techniques et leurs usages.

Pour réactiver l’aide apportée par ANUVAM à l’équipement de foyer fermé par les familles, il parait nécessaire de s’informer sur les soutiens gouvernementaux et régionaux à la préservation du combustible et des forêts et d’éventuelle politiques d’aide à l’équipement.

Invitation au cinquantenaire de l’école secondaire de Basa Khali en janvier 2019

Jase Raï, Feilss Treasurer and Chairman of the Basa Khali Secondary School Committee has sent an invitation to ANUVAM to attend a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of this secondary school. The event will take place in the presence of local authorities on 11 January 2019.

ANUVAM has contributed to the construction of part of the school’s premises and financed teachers’ salaries for over twenty years. This year, at the request of the headmaster and in agreement with the mayor, ANUVAM is continuing to fund the salary of the science teacher, whose recruitment and retention are important in these villages because of the shortage of trained scientific staff.
Jase Raï and his friend Bibi Raï, now well into their forties, were the first graduates of this school. Some of the 800 young people from this village who have graduated from secondary school are members of the Basa Khali school alumni association and are keen to get involved in the future of their school.

If we are unable to attend, ANUVAM will do everything it can to demonstrate its long-standing commitment to Basa Khali secondary school by collecting old photos and testimonials of our visits.

If any of you are able or wish to attend, you may be mandated to represent the association.

Members, get out your treasures of old photos!

The Action Kharikhola Suisse (AKS) association

This Swiss association, which took part in the exchange day organised by ANUVAM in Hauteluce, sent a letter of information on the progress of their projects.

The construction of a health centre, which was the main reason for their request to exchange experiences with ANUVAM, has progressed well, as they now have an architect’s plan, a location and the agreement of the local authorities for the construction of the health centre.

For ANUVAM, the proximity of such a centre, once it is up and running, can help to network the Basa Rapcha dispensary, which will be about a day’s walk from the village in the same SoluKhumbu district.
The Swiss association is also helping families to build closed cooking stoves with chimneys.

ANUVAM is proposing to continue these exchanges on similar projects and to visit each other during a trip by our associations.

To follow their work, visit their website:

Evelyne Pichenot