The village is located in the district of Solukhumbu in the east of Nepal. It takes two days to walk to the small airport of Phaphlu and three days to the one at Lukla. The pathways to get there run along the high hills (up to 3200 m).
The activities of the inhabitants are essentially agricultural with various crops according to altitude: rice in the lower valley, millet and grains in the intermediate zones, and potatoes a little higher.
All of this is done in terraces.
Prairies and forests are found near the summit of the hills between 3000 and 3500 m.
By tradition and necessity, the farmers and men of working age often go to sell their services as porters or cooks in treks, or as construction workers in Kathmandu.
The women stay and are often responsible for the farm and the family. In this way, they have almost equal status to the men.
This school has approximately 500 pupils from the infant’s class up to the top class.
The organization of local life is strongly marked by the necessity for solidarity. The sense of welcoming of the Khaling Rai and a constant gentleness characterize their social relations, as much among themselves as towards passing strangers.